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Colloidal Silver



Product Information

Colloidal Silver


True Colloidal Silver is a darkish yellow color, not clear. Clear colloidal silver is actually ionic silver and not nearly as strong as true colloidal silver.

We only use 999.99 silver and distilled water to produce our Colloidal Silver. NO other additives are introduced into our colloidal solutions.

When we produce a new batch, we use a small amount of colloidal silver from our last batch as a starter because distilled water does not carry voltage very well. Using a starter reduces the time to make a new batch down to a day as apposed to several days without the starter.

We bottle our Colloidal Silver in a clear PETG bottle. That said, you should store them in a cabinet or other dark place at room temperature. Even if the colloidal silver is exposed to sunlight over an extended time, and changes color, it's still not damaged and can still be used as normal.

Colloidal Silver is a low frequency metal colloid making it very effective at fighting microbes and certain viruses that are resistant to other antibacterial agents.


Health Benefits of True Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver is a natural antibiotic.
Colloidal Silver is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent.
Colloidal Silver is a gentle disinfectant - safe to use on all household surfaces.
Colloidal Silver fights infections and viruses.
Colloidal Silver is an excellent antibacterial mouthwash for halitosis, mouth ulcers and gum disease - can be used daily.
Colloidal Silver is highly effective in fighting colds, flu bugs, and allergies.
Colloidal Silver is safe to use on animals. We usually put it in their water dish or use an eye dropper.
Colloidal Silver is safe to use in the eyes, ears, and mouth, and on the skin.

Recommended dosage of Colloidal Silver

Topical Use
Unlimited, use as much as you want on your skin

Internal Use
Unlimited, but use less as anything more would be a waste. Colloidal Silver is non-toxic and tasteless.
10ml (2 teaspoons) every day.

Product Code: COL7GJ8L97

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